Sun Prairie Clogged Toilet Repair

Effective clogged toilet repairs in Sun Prairie

When toilets clog up it can be at the least expected time, and more often than not, when someone is visiting. Luckily, while it can sometimes be embarrassing, it’s not the end of the world. Several different methods can be taken in order to repair a clogged toilet, and in some instances, they work. For clogs that cannot be repaired with the simple methods it may be time to call the plumber. At Cardinal Heating & Air Conditioning we offer quality clogged toilet repair services. Even in the worst case scenario, where a new toilet may need to be installed, our staff can help.

Sun Prairie Clogged Toilet Repair

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  • My toilet is running due to high water pressure – what do I do?
    While high water pressure is not a common reason for a running toilet, it is possible. Good water pressure is somewhere in the neighborhood of between 40 and 70 PSI. Anything exceeding the normal range of 80 PSI can cause significant problems with your home plumbing system, making it more susceptible to leaks, water hammering, pipe bursts, and problems with your fixtures. If you suspect that your running toilet may be related to water pressure that’s too high, contact Cardinal Heating, Air Conditioning to schedule a plumbing inspection.

When Is a Toilet Clog Repair Needed?

Whenever any of the home methods cannot be used in order to remove a clog, a plumber should be called to properly remove the obstruction. Using harsh chemicals to remove clogs can actually cause more damage than help, which is often a misconception. Particularly dangerous for home with older pipes, a drain cleaner can quickly cause a leak if used too often. Instead, let a plumber provide you with expert clog removal using specialized tools that get to the source of the blockage.